Read about recent research and scholarship from our ENHP faculty.
Paige M. Bray, (2023). Montessori Forward: A Values-Informed Pedagogy, Practice and Epistemology. In E. Wearne (Ed.) New Pathways in Teacher Preparation and Certification: Perspectives on Alternative Teacher Education Methods. Taylor & Francis.
Thilagha Jagaiah, (2022) Manuscript accepted for publication: (In Press). Analysis of Syntactic Complexity and Its Relationship to Writing Quality Using Coh-Metrix for Argumentative Essays;_ Special Education Research, Policy & Practice Jagaiah, T., Olinghouse, N.G., Kearns, D., Andrada, G.
- Dorothea Anagnostopoulos, Sian Charles-Harris: Managing to Teach Ambitiously in the First Year? The Elementary School Journal, Volume 120, Number 4. Published online May 19, 2020
- Equity in Mathematics Education-A Joint Position Statement for Connecticut_ Associated Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut (AMTEC), Collaboratively authored by Associated Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut (AMTEC), ATOMIC, CCLM(2022)
- Lauren Molloy Elreda, Peter Youngs, and James Pippin: How Methods Instructors and Program Administrators Promote Teacher Education Program Coherence, First Published November 11, 2020
- World-traveling: foreign-born faculty women of color navigating multiple identities in US academia_International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, February 23, 2023, online journal
- Creating Inclusive College Classroom: Granting Epistemic Credibility to Learners. Chapter 7 in Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Higher Education Foundations. (c)2020
- (2023) Characterizing hydration practices in healthy young recreationally active adults-is there utility in first morning urine sampling?_Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab
- (2023)LPS-induced TLR4 activation during a 164 km and 100 km cycling event in a hot and humid environment. _Asian Exerc Sport Sci J
- (2022) Differentiating cellular osmotic stress in healthy well-hydrated and under-hydrated young adults. Journal: Med Sci Sports Exerc. 53(9S):1721
- (2022) Apelin-sarcopenia mitigation profile characterized by hydration status. Journal: Med Sci Sports Exerc. 53(9S):419
- Johnson, EC. Chapter 45: Hydration for athletic performance in Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance: Muscle Building, Endurance and Strength (2nd edition). Academic Press. Pages 533-540. 2019.
- Wininger M. Models of hydration require environmental data. Pub Health Nutr. Epub ahead of print, 2019.
- Wininger M. Unexplained variance in hydration study. Nutrients; 11 (8):1828, 2019.
- (2022) Podcast guest speaker on CollaborationRA: Artistry of our Profession
- An Update on CT Dose - Conversations and Controversies for 2019. Presented at the 2-019 ASRT Educational Symposium, Orlando, FL (Peer reviewed.)
- Herrmann, T., Noble, L.B., Orth D., Peterson, P., Young, J., & Odle T.G., (2019) Best Practices in Digital Radiography. Radiologic Technology 91 (2), 198-201.
- Richard, Lucy. (2020) Dementia care training for Radiologic Science students. Radiologic Technology, 91, Jan/Feb 2020, 294-296.
- Barmon, C., Oakes, Claudia, June, A., Fedus, D., Andreoletti, C. & Michalowski, E. (2019) Creating an intercollegiate working group to create a "Careers in Aging" assignment. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, TX.
- (2019) The age-friendly university network: A unique opportunity for engaged learning communities. Poster presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Association 99th Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Leona Konieczny, Ashley Cote, Diane Verrochi, Valerie Whynall, Susan Jones, Joyce ThielenPoverty Simulation Produces Rich Experience in Interprofessional Education_International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Science, Volume 03:Issue 06
Minnier, W., Leggett, M., Persaud, I. & Breda, Karen. (2019) Four smart steps: Fall prevention for community-dwelling older adults. Creative Nursing, 25(2), 169-175.
Sposito, J., Zipf, A., Alhowaumel, F., Almutairi, M.T. & Breda, Karen. (2018) Community-based stroke recognition education and response: An evidence-based intervention project. Creative Nursing 24(4), pp. 251-257.
- Development of the Dynamic Model of Occupation-based practice_Originalarbeit_9(4), 1-14
- Choosing Wisely, Championing Evidence in Occupation-Based Practice_OT Practice, Pain Neuroscience Education, An Emerging Approach to Chronic Pain Treatment April 2023
- Hemiplegic shoulder pain affects ipsilesional aiming movements after stroke: a cross-sectional study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Aug. 23, 2022, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Heloise Borges, Sandra de Freitas, Richard Liebano & Sandra Alouche
- (2022) Effectiveness of high-intensity laser therapy added to a physical therapy program for the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Info Advances in Rehabilitation Hernán Andrés de la Barra Ortiz, Jaime Opazo Cancino, Mariana Arias and Richard Liebano
- (2022) O&P Fabrication Education: Current Trends; The O&P Edge,
- (2022) Working Mothers/Parents in O&P Working Mothers/Parents in O&P ( O&P EDGE national magazine
- Inertial Sensor Angular Velocities Reflect Dynamic Knee Loading during Single Limb Loading in Individuals Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, October 2018. Sensors 18(10):3460
- (2023) Quantifying States and Transitions of Emerging Postural Control for Children Not Yet Able to Sit Independently. Sensors special issue Wearable and Unobtrusive Technologies for Healthcare Monitoring.
Duffy Felmlee (2023) Going into the World to Do Good: Integrating O&P Education With Humanitarianism _O&P Edge Publication
- & Sean Riley (2023) Trustworthiness, confidence in estimated effects, and confidently translating research into clinical practice.Archives of Physiotherapy, 13:8
- Douglas Creighton (2020) Handwashing, degenerative discs, and other heresies, Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 28:4, 189-190, DOI:
- J. Adrienne McAuley, Michael Lawrence - Changes in glenohumeral translation, electromyographic activity, and pressure-pain thresholds following sustained or oscillatory mobilizations in stiff and healthy shoulders: Results of a randomized, controlled laboratory trial. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice Available online 22 August 2020. DOI:
- & Douglas Creighton (2020) The degenerative lumbar disc: not a disease, but still an important consideration for OMPT practice: a review of the history and science of discogenic instability, Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 28:4, 191-200, DOI:
- Sean Riley Steven F. Sawyer, Jean-Michel Brismée & Geoffrey Staysniak (2020): Should low-quality evidence dominate high-level evidence? A systematic review and meta-analysis of systematic reviews of musculoskeletal physical therapy interventions, Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, DOI:
Sandra Saavedra and Adam Goodworth, Postural Mechanisms in moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy, May 2021. Journal of Neurophysiology